
During the implementation of the task, Y the magician showed great care and professionalism. Thanks to his attitude, all guests of the event felt free and willingly engaged in various activities. The abilities presented by the performer won the hearts of viewers and were remembered for a long time. In the activities of magician Y and the entire team cooperating with him, one could notice extensive experience and great involvement in the project. The flexibility of the whole team can even be considered a trademark.


With all responsibility and my undisguised pleasure, I can recommend Magician Y and Magic of Y for cooperation 🙂 Y showed his professionalism and responsibility while performing his duties, and during entrusted to him PR communication with journalists he exceeded our expectations. This artist stands out from the market with a high awareness of business cooperation and enormous creativity. Scripts and magic effects presented by Magician and materials prepared in cooperation with Y were characterized by professionalism and a fantastic understanding of the expectations and the world of the brand.


Y proved to be known as a responsible and professional creator during cooperation with our company. His skills delighted not only us but also our guests. The show prepared for our company was personalized especially for our brand and caused an unforgettable impression on the viewers. We have had the chance to see his magic on many occasions. Magic of Y is entertainment that I can recommend to every viewer and company looking for an interesting creator with a qualitative, modern and intelligent program. The can highly recommend services of Magic of Y LTD.!


Show przygotowany dla naszej firmy został spersonalizowany specjalnie pod naszą markę i wywołał niezapomniane wrażenie na widzach. Magia Y to rozrywka którą mogę polecić każdemu widzowi i firmie szukającej interesującego twórcy z jakościowym, nowoczesnym i inteligentnym programem. Kanał Magia Y będzie idealną namiastką tego, co może Was czekać już niedługo na Waszym evencie. Polecam!


Zdolności jakie zaprezentował iluzjonista Y podbiły serca widzów i na długo zapadły w naszej pamięci. Profesjonalizm i elastyczność, jaką charakteryzuje się cały zespół Magic of Y, można wręcz uznać za znak firmowy.


Iluzjonista Y wyróżnia się na tle rynku wysoką świadomością współpracy biznesowej i olbrzymią kreatywnością, a podczas powierzonej mu komunikacji PR z dziennikarzami przekroczył nasze oczekiwania.